The Board
Callum Beaton
Callum is a Chartered Insurer and Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute with over forty years’ experience. From an early career in the London market, gaining experience in both insurance broking and underwriting environments, he focused on the captive sector. In 2004 he stepped aside from captive management where, for more than a decade, he held a CEO position. Since then he has practised as a consultant with a critical focus on captive and cell captive techniques. Callum has been retained as an expert witness in a number of cases as well as writing and lecturing. He holds a number of captive and cell captive company directorships. His writings have earned him the Chartered Insurance Institute’s two premier academic awards and for his wider work within the Institute and sector he was awarded the President’s Award (2021).
Richard Battersby
Richard is a Chartered Account and experienced investor. He formed Falcon in 2008 to fill a gap in the market. He became a resident of Guernsey in 1996. Prior to that he had worked in the UK Venture Capital industry on behalf of institutional investors and personally with a particular focus on small and medium sized businesses. He brought four companies to the stock market in London. He is a director of a number of UK and Guernsey companies. He was previously a director of a number of Captive Insurance Companies and is currently a director of a Lloyd's corporate member, having previously been Chairman of a Lloyd’s Members Agency.
Julia Mather
Julia is a resident of Bermuda where she spent 13 years as head of a leading independent Broking house, placing insurance and reinsurance business, across casualty, property, marine and non-marine risks, including reinsurance for Captive programmes. Whilst working in Bermuda Julia was on the Committee for the Bermuda Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers Association, the Board of the Bermuda Re/Insurance U40’s Group and the Insurance Development Council’s RIMS Committee. Prior to this Julia worked in the Lloyds market as a D&O / EPL broker and an Underwriter of Bankers Blanket Bond / D&O risks. She has also underwritten a book of Credit Insurance risks in the company market and has experience working in the insurance broking sector in Madrid. Julia is also a founder member and on the Board of Bermuda based Women in Reinsurance (WiRe) and gained her Certificate in Company Direction through the Institute of Directors, of which she is a Member.